Simulation Graphs

PetroVR provides graphic representation of data in several places of its interface. Some of them belong to the specification, such as those presented in the Distribution Selection window or the Well Performance Tab, but by far the most numerous and important are simulation graphs, which represent the evolution of fluid production and processing as well as cash flows over time.

Simulation graphs are available in the Simulation Graphs Tab of each model object node that appears after the simulation is run, and in a separate Simulation Graphs window that collects all graphs under a single Tree View.

Notice that simulation graphs always refer to the results obtained from the last simulation run. If the model has changed in any way after the last run, the results displayed in the graphs may be out of date. This is indicated in the information area of the Toolbar: the Sad face "sad" face there indicates that you have to simulate the model again in order to ensure that the graphs reflect the latest changes.

You can also create User-Defined Graphs combining data from different existing graphs.